Pro Power Save Reviews – Does It Really Work? User Reviews

6 min read

Is your electricity bill skyrocketing? Have you seen convincing ads for a device called Pro Power Save that promises to dramatically reduce your electricity bills? Before you buy it, you need to know the shocking truth: Pro Power Save is a total scam that aims to take advantage of people who are struggling to pay their expensive electricity bills.

Deceptively marketed online and on social media, Pro Power Save is just the latest incarnation of the “energy saving” scams that have been ripping off victims for years. With spectacular claims of saving 40% or more on your electricity bill, these scams continue to evolve to lure new, unsuspecting buyers.

In this comprehensive report, we reveal how the Pro Power Save scam works, what’s really inside this useless device, and most importantly, how you can protect yourself from these insidious electricity bill reduction scams. Pro Power Save is not a cure-all – it’s just another energy-saving scam designed to rip off consumers. Don’t be fooled by false claims – read on to discover the disturbing truth behind Pro Power Save.

Overview of the Pro Power Save Electricity Savings Scam

Pro Power Save is touted online and on social media as a revolutionary device that can dramatically reduce your home’s electricity consumption. Manufacturers claim that simply plugging the Pro Power Save into the wall outlet “stabilizes your electricity” and prevents energy waste, reducing utility bills by 40% or more. But don’t let clever marketing fool you: Pro Power Save is a complete fake.

This counterfeit product uses exaggerated claims and misleading sales tactics to defraud consumers, including:

Website filled with fake lab results and customer reviews

Facebook/YouTube ads touting incredible savings

TikTok videos showing how bills are reduced after using Pro Power Save

Fake celebrity endorsements from Elon Musk and Mark Cuban

Fake news stories on CNN, Fox, etc. applauding Pro Power Saves

This combination of convincing marketing creates the illusion that Pro Power Save is a legitimate energy-saving solution. But in reality, the claims, tests or reviews it is advertised with are not true.

Pro Power Save contains cheap electrical components without any special energy-saving features. The few positive reviews are completely made up, the celebrity supporters do not exist and the news sites are fake. This is an elaborate scheme to trick consumers into spending $49 on a useless device.

Unfortunately, Pro Power Save is just the latest version of an energy-saving scam that keeps popping up under new names. These counterfeit products will continue to deceive victims until more people become aware of how the deception scheme works.

What’s Really Inside Pro Power Save?

So if Pro Power Save doesn’t actually reduce energy consumption, what exactly is inside this device? Unboxing videos and expert reviews reveal that Pro Power Save includes:

Cheap plastic case


General capacitor

LED light

Standard outlet

In other words, cheap electrical components that you can buy for a few dollars. There is nothing proprietary or technologically advanced about Pro Power Save. The small capacitor cannot meaningfully correct for electrical factors. The LED light simply lights up when connected to make it appear as if the device is on and “working.”

Several electrical engineering experts have confirmed that Pro Power Save has no measurable impact on home energy consumption. It does not “stabilize” voltage, reduce quiescent current, or provide any of the other savings it promises. It is an empty fraud device.

You can easily buy the same affordable parts as Pro Power Save for under $10. That’s probably what the scammers behind this project did before they presented it as a neat power-saving solution for $49. Don’t fall for it.

Warning Signs of the Pro Power Save Electricity Savings Scam

While the exaggerated marketing claims should already be a warning sign, here are some other warning signs that Pro Power Save is a complete scam:

No Parent Company or Contact Information: Pro Power Save has no real company name or way to contact them other than the sales page.

No Patents, No Innovation, No Technology: Pro Power Save has no patented or new technology. Parts can be purchased anywhere.

The Name Changes Constantly: The same fake device is sold under names like WattSaver, ElectronVolt, PowerConserve, etc.

Not Available in Retail Stores: Legitimate electrical products are reportedly available at hardware and home improvement stores, not just online.

The Claims Are Too Good to Be True: No plug-in device could seriously reduce electricity usage and bills by 40% as claimed.

Fake Limited Time Deals – The website states “Only 29 Pro Power Save units left!” to create a false sense of urgency and shortage.

Pro Power Save has all the signs of being a temporary scam. The incredible energy savings claims, fake reviews, lack of contact information, and misleading marketing should make anyone very skeptical before purchasing.

Frequently Asked Questions About Pro Power Save

Is Pro Power Save a real money-saving device?

No. Pro Power Save is a fraudulent product that makes misleading claims about reducing your electricity bills. It contains basic components that have no measurable impact on a home’s energy consumption.

How does Pro Power Save supposedly work?

The company claims that Pro Power Save stabilizes electrical power, reduces power consumption during idle times, and protects devices from surges. But in reality, the product does not provide any of these benefits in any meaningful way.

Can Pro Power Save reduce my electricity bill by 40% as advertised?

Absolutely not. There is no evidence that Pro Power Save saves electricity, let alone 40% of your electricity bills. No plug-in device can significantly reduce your home’s energy consumption.

Is Pro Power Save endorsed by celebrities like Elon Musk?

No. The ads use fake celebrity endorsements and images without permission. Pro Power Save has no real celebrity endorsements or connections to tech billionaires.

Are the customer reviews and testimonials real?

No. On the Pro Power Save website, you will find completely fabricated reviews and stories based on fake user images. None of the claims of incredible savings have been substantiated.

Is Pro Power Save sold commercially?

No. Pro Power Save is only sold online directly through shady websites. Reputable electrical products are reportedly available through major retailers and not just shady websites.

Is it risky to buy Pro Power Save?

Yes. In addition to wasting money, Pro Power Save can pose an electrical hazard, damage equipment, or steal your personal or financial information entered on the site.

How do I get a refund for Pro Power Save?

Unfortunately, scammers make refunds nearly impossible. However, you can try disputing the charges with your credit card company or reporting Pro Power Save to the authorities to warn others.

What are the real ways to reduce electricity consumption and bills?

Use energy-efficient appliances, seal air leaks, improve insulation, switch to LEDs, adjust thermostat settings, etc. Pro Power Save offers no real savings – rely on proven efficiency steps.

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